DIY Warm Starbucks Drinks


Hey, pumpkins and welcome back to another day of blog-tober! In today’s blogpost, I am going to give you the ultimate fall drink recipes that will warm your heart as you bundle up with your book. I really wanted to give everyone a recipe so no one leaves this blog without something suited for them. That’s why I have a vegan and decaf options for those of you who prefer their lattes that way!

Pumpkin Spice Latte



2 tablespoons of pumpkin puree

2 tbsp of white or brown sugar

1/2 Tbsp of pumpkin spice

2 tbsp of vanilla extract

2 shots of espresso or freshly ground coffee


Over low heat and in a small saucepan add the pumpkin puree, sugar, pumpkin spice, vanilla extract and let it simmer for 5 minutes after the 5 minutes have passed add milk to the mixture and keep whisking. After mixing the ingredients together, add espresso shot or coffee to the saucepan and mix until it’s a bit foamy.


Add whip cream and pumpkin spice for garnish

And voila, you have a warm cup of pumpkin spice latte to enjoy while bundling up on your sofa and watching your favorite show!

Vegan Cinnamon Dolce Latte


1/2 cup of Coffee or 2 espresso shots

1/2 cup of Creamer of your choice ( Vanilla Almond milk or Vanilla Coconut milk)

1 tbsp of Cinnamon Powder

2 tbsp of Vanilla extract

3 tbsp of Brown Sugar

1 tbsp of NutMeg


Mix them all together in a mug and enjoy!


Add whip cream on top and garnish with some cinnamon and nutmeg.

Salted Carmel Hot Chocolate (Decaf)


2 tbsp cocoa extract

1/2 cup of milk

2 tbsp of vanilla extract

a drizzle of caramel sauce

2 tbsp of caramel extract

1/2 tbsp of sea salt


Mix them all together in your mug and drink up.


Add whip cream and caramel drizzle on top of whip cream.


Thank you for you reading, I hope you got some inspiration to do your own at home lattes! I also hope you are having a wonderful fall so far!




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